Lyric Fire: NaPoWriMo 2012 – Day Eight of 30 Poems in 30 Days – Manna & Moonbeams

NaPoWriMo 2012 – 30 Poems in 30 Days – Day Eight

Eight days in and the poetry is still flowing and I have God to thank. I also thank him for every blessing he’s ever graced me with and those that are on the way. Best wishes to all on this Easter Sunday. Please enjoy:

Manna & Moonbeams

You promised me the moon

If I claimed you

The stars and all that they cast light on would be mine

If I claimed you


My savior

Prince of Peace

My King

I am not worthy

But I claim you

I am

Because you are

I breathe because you provide the air

Yes, I claim you


Manna now is scarce for some

Even though they say we live in the best of times

And there is abundance all around

But yet, too, there is lack


Grant me the ability to feel full

Even though I may be depleted

Strong despite my weaknesses

Accomplished in spite of my failures

Generous even though I may be poor


A jewel is only dust if not recognized by you

So even when I shine, I want not to forget who gives the glow

If I ever put you aside for worldly things I am sorry

I knew not what I was doing

I was not yet who I longed to be


Some want the world and all that’s in it

I can’t claim to be any different

You created beauty that is almost too dear to view

It’s tempting

But, what I want most of all

What I need most

Is manna and moonbeams

Spiritual substance, edification, divine light

For sustenance, fulfillment and guidance


I shall reach











Until I am ready to fully receive these holy gifts


I ask for your mercy

As I do all in remembrance of you


For more delicious servings of poetry this month, please visit these bloggers as they are also participating in NaPoWriMo!

© 2012 – 2014, TamekaMullins. All rights reserved.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Comments (15 Responses)

  1. Janaki Nagaraj says:

    A beautiful reflective poem for this Easter Sunday.
    Happy Easter.

  2. Adriene says:

    A beautiful prayer for this day. Happy Easter, Tameka! <3

  3. Happy Easter Janaki and Sweepy! Thanks so much for supporting me through this poetic journey! 🙂

  4. Manna and moonbeams. How beautiful Tameka. You are full of light and love sharing it with so many. This was a gorgeous poem/prayer. Happy Easter my dear sister.

  5. Thanks Leah! The best of Easter blessings to you!

  6. KalpanaS says:

    The lines of this poem like rays from the Easter sun!
    ‘What I need most
    Is manna and moonbeams
    Spiritual substance, edification, divine light
    For sustenance, fulfillment and guidance’ so beatific and soulful!
    KalpanaS @

  7. Thanks so much Kalpana! 🙂

  8. Nelieta says:

    Wonderful!!! I loved this poem Tameka!
    Happy Easter!!

  9. Beautiful poem 🙂 Keep writing and spreading God’s Love!

  10. sulekha says:

    Holy poetry, beautiful jewels strung together to make an exquisite string of brilliance.
    Loved it.

  11. Jessica says:

    “So even when I shine, I want not to forget who gives the glow”…I love that line!
    A beautiful reminder to appreciate the creations God has blessed us with but above all to treasure the Source, knowing that all else is temporary and fleeting.
    Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  12. Thanks Nelita, it was a blessed day!

  13. Joyce, I truly appreciate your visit! Thanks so much! I will. For he is the reason I can write! I stopped by your blog. What a source of light! 🙂

  14. Your praise is a blessing Sulekha! Thanks sister!

  15. Beautifully expressed Jessica! Yes, I do agree! Thanks for your words!

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